My Beautiful Healthy Orchids Inside the House

Here in the northeast of America growing orchids are possible but they must be kept inside where the temperature can be kept warm at night. Even in summer, night time temperatures can become chilly which will harm an orchid plant. Orchids also need lots of moisture, something that can be lacking in the northeast. Spraying your orchids with water every day solves this problem. Once a week you should pour one cup of water in to the soil of the orchids. Of course, orchids love sunshine but not direct sunlight. Like a lot of flowers, situating your orchids next to a window provides your orchids with much needed sunlight from morning until late afternoon. You should supplement an orchid’s diet with orchid food. Once a week is adequate for giving your orchids their orchid food. A home improvement store or florist will usually carry orchid food. If not general plant food will suffice.

Acquiring an orchid plant is pretty easy. Many grocery stores sell orchids. You usually can find orchids at home improvement store too. When choosing an orchid plant to buy consider the following:

  • Is the plant looking generally healthy?
  • Does it have lots of open flowers?
  • Are there any unopened buds?
  • Is the soil moist?
  • Are there roots growing out of the soil?
  • Are there new branch buds growing out of the center of the leaves?

You should be able to answer “yes” to the previous list of questions. Ideally, you want orchids which are healthy and actively growing so that the plant will bloom year after year. Buying an orchid plant where only open flowers are the only healthy-looking part of the plant means that it might die after all the petals fall off. Again look for green leaves, un-open buds and lots of pale green roots as signs of a healthy plant.

How to Grow Healthy Orchids Inside the House


Track: Odessa — LiQWYD & Scandinavianz [Audio Library Release]

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